Na webu komunitního setkání CSNOG 2025 jsou k dispozici přednášky v PDF, jejich videozáznamy a fotografie z lednové akce české a slovenské síťařské komunity CSNOG (21. a 22. 1., Zlín). …
Our new NIX.CZ leaf-spine topology with VxLAN EVPN brought significant improvements in the stability and scalability of our peering platform. We use modern technologies such as VxLAN for network virtualization and EVPN for effective routing management. The transition from the original virtualized star to the leaf-spine model allowed us to integrate additional locations, including Bratislava, Vienna and Frankfurt, and optimize data flows. By deploying Cisco Nexus 9300 access switches, we responded to the growing demand for high-speed connections (100GE and 400GE), which enabled us to effectively handle the increase in transmitted data and provide top-notch access to our peering platform.
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