Older news

CSNOG 2025 community meeting will take place on January 21–22 in Zlín
March 7, 2024

The seventh annual meeting of the Czech and Slovak network operators – CSNOG 2025 – will take place next year on January 21-22 at Tomas Bata University in Zlín. For …

Organizátoři CSNOG 2024 zveřejnili prezentace, videozáznamy a fotky z akce
Feb. 12, 2024

Na webu komunity CSNOG jsou k dispozici přednášky v PDF, jejich videozáznamy a fotografie z lednového setkání komunity CSNOG 2024 (23. a 24. 1., Zlín). Tuto akci, která letos poprvé …

Program komunitního setkání CSNOG 2024 je na webu akce, zájemci se můžou registrovat
Nov. 27, 2023

Přesun datového centra za plného provozu, útoky na privátní sítě v roce 2023, přednášky spojené s DNS, aktuální výzvy regulace nebo migrace na jednotnou doménu gov.cz, to jsou jen některá …

The organizers of CSNOG meeting have announced a Call for Abstracts; potential speakers may register in three program sections
Sept. 25, 2023

Today, the organizers of the seventh annual meeting of Czech, Slovak and other network operators group, CSNOG 2024, announced a Call for Abstracts and a Call for Partners. Those interested …

The NIX.CZ Newsletter has been published
June 29, 2023

In the current issue of the NIX.CZ Association´s Newsletter, you will find a report on this year´s Peering Days conference, which took place in Sofia, Bulgaria. You can also read …

CSNOG Community Meeting 2024 will take place on January 23-24 in Zlín
June 19, 2023

The sixth edition of the Czech and Slovak network administrators’ meeting - CSNOG 2024 - will take place next year on January 23-24 in the premises of Tomas Bata University …

CSNOG 2023 Community Members Met in Zlín This Year
May 17, 2023

The fifth annual community meeting of network operators from the Czech Republic and Slovakia (CSNOG 2023) took place on May 16 and 17 in Zlín, Czech Republic. The aim of …

DE-CIX, the world’s leading Internet Exchange operator, has chosen the NIX.CZ association as its regional partner
Dec. 19, 2022

The German Internet Exchange operator DE-CIX has chosen the NIX.CZ association as a partner for cooperation in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria. Their mutual goal is to provide the …

The Peering Days International Conference registration has opened
Nov. 22, 2022

Network operators,  peering nodes operators as well as representatives of data center owners from all over the world can now register for the 10th Peering Days conference. The conference will …

Save the Date: The 10th Peering Days conference will take place in Sofia, Bulgaria next year
Oct. 18, 2022

The traditional international conference of network specialists - Peering Days - will take place  in Sofia, Bulgaria, from March 28th to 30th 2023. Network administrators, peering coordinators and data center …